Sleeve Notes
Lets get straight to the point, change happens around us all the time, sometimes we are not even aware of it, but it's there. So we may as well take a healthy approach to managing our thoughts, expectations, hopes and fears.
It's OK to go through different emotions and feelings when responding to change, it's when we become stuck in an unhealthy cycle of negativity that we can limit ourselves, others and the environment around us.
Side 1 - Benefits of Change
Personal Growth -
No groaning at the back please! - You might not even realise it's happening. We are growing as individuals all the time, sometimes it's subtle, sometimes it's profound. Change is an opportunity to demonstrate how we can grow with what is happening around us
(e.g. flexibility, personal influence, our part in the process, personal accountability).
Improving Situations -
Just because it's always been done that way doesn't mean it is still effective!
Ask yourself - What will make it better and what part can I play in this?
Personal Values & beliefs -
Change is a great opportunity to re-evaluate what is important to you. Do you want to accept it and give it a go or do you want to let go and move in a different direction?
Strength -
Not all change is pleasant of course. Getting through these tough periods can make you stronger next time you are faced with change.
Opportunities -
New choices could present themselves to you that may well suit you more than the existing ones.
New Beginnings -
How do you think we got here without trying something new?
Side Two - Tips for Healthy Change
Ask questions to help yourself, for example...
Where do I fit in to this new world?
What do I have influence/control over?
What do I need to let go of?
Will I accept and grow with the flow or seek new opportunities better suited to what's important to me?
Create a professional plan for yourself -
(If change is going to happen anyway you may as well start thinking about what you want to do, especially if it's a redundancy situation.)
Do you need to get your CV in shape?
LinkedIn profile updated?
Interview practice for a new role within or outside the company?
Create a personal plan for yourself -
Take time to process your thoughts and emotions before taking action. (Good or Bad)
This is a good time to consider what you do well (Personal affirmation)
Choose to let go of the things you have no influence or control over (wasted energy!)
Who do you need to talk with to work through this change?
What will you do to accept the things I can't change?
What are your pro's and con's with this change?
What are you grateful for? (A good exercise to diffuse personal anger and resentment of change.)
Visualise what you want your future to look like. (That may mean you need to change your environment)
Be forgiving of others - You are likely not the only one working through change.
Be forgiving of yourself - Don't take it personally.
Side Three - Hits
"I'll start preparing myself for different outcomes"
Rather than waiting for things to happen around you, take the lead and prepare for interviews (externally or internally), personal conversations, proposals, advertising your skills and qualities, CV writing, LinkedIn profile etc.
This change, personal and/or professional is likely to happen, whether you like it or not, so you may as well get ready with a plan of acton for yourself.
"I will look at things in manageable chunks"
Focus on the short term. Think about what you need, day to day.
If you are feeling low, consider the quick wins first.
Trying to solve your own situation all at once can feel very overwhelming.
Of course you may be perfectly fine with the change. It can still be a good idea to break things down into manageable sections.
"I will base decisions about my future on factual evidence"
It can be very tempting to create a fictitious world that leads us to negative thoughts when we are experiencing change.
Take time to analyse your thoughts, feelings and what you believe to be happening. How much of this is actually true?
Are you just jumping on the change train to Moansville to fit in with others??!!
Side Four - Potential One Hit Wonders
"I'm going to make some changes around here"
What have you identified that is working well currently?
How will others benefit from your proposed changes?
What outcomes are you hoping for?
Who/What are these changes for?
How will you keep those affected fully informed throughout the process?
What support are you offering during this process?
"I'm happy with the way things are"
What will happen if you stay still?
Who have you spoken with to determine how these changes could benefit you?
What skills and qualities do you have that will be useful to others during this process?
How do you know you are happy with the way things are without trying something different?
How will your next performance review go?
What impact does you standing still have on your colleagues?
"They are doing this to me"
Who are 'they'?
What is being 'done' to you?
How do you know it's personal?
What are the facts of the situation?
What/Who are you responsible for?
How will you manage yourself during this process?
What do you want your future to look like if it's not part of the current scenario?
The Download
We will all respond to change in different ways.
It's quite natural to be some or all of the following things, depending on how we view the change and where we are at any given time - confused, shocked, angry, sad, distressed, quiet, accepting, motivated.
For those initiating change, it's healthy to help others understand the legitimate reasons for implementing change, the benefits, the support on offer and how they will be kept informed throughout the process.
For those involved it's healthy to understand what you have influence & control over and when you need to let go and move on, so you don't feel left behind or stuck in a cycle of bitterness and resentment.
This may mean exploring new and different opportunities where you can put your skills, qualities, values and beliefs to better use.