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As your Coach, I will build rapport and chemistry with you through a genuine interest in your agenda.

This means being in the moment with you, listening, asking targeted, thoughtful, open questions and challenging you where I believe it to be appropriate & helpful.

You will then design your own action plans and goals after each session, while both you & I will manage progress and accountability.


Coaching isn't mentoring. You would seek a mentor if you are looking for experienced training or advice on a particular topic,  career or lifestyle path.


Coaching isn't counselling. A counsellor provides professional assistance, therapy and guidance in resolving personal or psychological challenges.


...Motivational Maps®

It is important to note the origins of Motivational Maps are based on extensive research into human motivation using 3 primary sources:

1.  Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

2. Edgar Scheins Career Anchors 

3. The Enneagram 

Find out more information on these here


Motivational Maps is a self perception inventory which means you are getting an insight into your motivations and where your energy is flowing right now.

Motivation is so crucial in shaping what is important to us (especially in the current climate), yet it can be really difficult sometimes to work out what truly drives us.

Maps creates a common language that's easy to understand, apply and put into practice in the real world.

Motivations can change over time of course, so it's a good idea to revisit them again when circumstances may have changed, because your energy, like your health, needs monitoring and boosting.



People ask what's important to me...happiness I say, it's the key to everything for me, including my motivation.

Fitness, gardening & music, especially playing my vinyl collection are some of the things that make me happy in my personal life.

I lost both my parents by the time I was 12 and with no other siblings it was tough at the time, I felt very alone.

My relatives who I went to live with sent me off to boarding school to 'toughen me up'. At the time I was completely overwhelmed by the prospect.

As it turns out I absolutely loved it!

It helped me to become independent, my schoolmates were like brothers and I found out what I was good at. (Music, Drama & History as it turns out).

Why am I telling you this?

Because sometimes out of the worse situations, something good can happen, even when you don't expect it.

As I grew through my teenage years and into my early twenties,  being true to myself & showing appreciation & kindness to others became really important.

Don't get me wrong, I've sometimes let fear of being different or accepting things when change is needed, get in the way of being true to who I am. So being able to recognise when that happened and do something about it was key to getting life back to where I really wanted it to be.


...My Coaching Philosophy

I will support you to let go of things that aren't helpful. This can sometimes mean living alongside the unhelpful for a while to really notice what is going on for you.


I will help you to explore the things you do really well and use these skills & qualities as allies to make life even better.


...My Coaching Background

20 years of coaching experience, supporting & developing Leaders, their teams and individuals in a retail background, primarily with The John Lewis Partnership.


65 Accredited Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH) which are taken from the Accredited Coaching Training Programme (ACTP), run by Coaching Development LTD.


20 years as an experienced facilitator of leadership & behavioural development.


Licensed Practitioner of Motivational Maps.


Licensed Practitioner of Create Motivation.


Licensed Practitioner of Myers Briggs.


Qualified Practitioner of Personal Strengths (Formerly Strengths Deployment Inventory).


Mental Health First Aider.


A decade of collaboration coaching John Lewis Partnership Leaders alongside the team at Skern Lodge Activity Centre in Appledore, Devon.


40 years working in service industries of hospitality & retail primarily as a leader/manager.






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"Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply & vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says 'This is the real me' and when you have found that attitude, follow it"

William James

Image by Mo
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