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Now That's What I Call Coaching 30 - Myths are the stuff of Legend!

Sleeve Notes

As a Motivational Coach, I have no expectation that my clients automatically know how I can support them.

This is why I have tried to answer as many questions clients might have about coaching on my FAQS page.

It's also worthwhile dispelling some of those old as time myths that are the stuff of legend about coaching.

Here are some facts of the matter...

Classic Coaching Myths & Facts Playlist

MYTH - 'Coaching is only for people who are struggling'


Coaching supports people seeking continuous growth too, before they get stuck. It helps to refine skills, expand perspectives and create greater success.

MYTH - 'Coaching is expensive'

FACT (and some questions for you)

What do you call expensive?

Before asking yourself the questions below, it might be worth knowing I am typically priced less than my market value here, because I'm in the fortunate position of being able to do this. This doesn't mean you get any less value of course!

I hope this helps potential clients, especially those new to coaching, see it as affordable, accessible and consider how it could be added into their lifestyle with ease.

So ask yourself these...

  • What is my worth?

  • What are the benefits of investing in myself first?

  • What could I swap coaching for in my life so I still get personal benefit ?

MYTH - 'Coaching takes up a lot of time'


Think of it this way, there are 744 hours in an average month. Even if you had coaching twice a month that's only 2 hours out of the whole month!

The time you spend working on your goals after this is up to you. I would suggest though, because you have decided what you are going to work on before we next meet, you will be motivated to do it.

At the end of the day, it's benefitting you and potentially others, so isn't that time (and money!) well spent?

MYTH - 'I don't need therapy'


Therapy is not coaching or indeed counselling.

Therapists and counsellors play a valuable role in helping people with theraputic, psychological and rehabilitative needs. This may mean focusing more on past and problems.

Coaches help you to move forward, support future thinking and solutions through attentive listening, targeted questioning, empathy, challenge and accountability to name but a few.

The coaches goal is to leave the client with full ownership of what they want to & will do, going forward.

MYTH - 'My coach will have the answer'


I don't need to have the answer. In fact I don't need to know anything about the expertise you already have inside of you.

It may be you just need someone to help you unlock these answers for yourself.

That's where I come in, with perspective, empathy, no judgement, transparency, honesty, targeted questions, listening & observing so I can see and hear where you are coming from, offer respectful challenge, hold you accountable and of course help you to stay motivated.

MYTH - 'Coaching is one size fits all'


Definitely not.

That's why I always have a conversation with you first (no obligation, no charge) to make sure we are a good fit and I can support you.

There is no point in us having coaching sessions if we don't have 'chemistry'.

This also means that no two sessions are the same and no two people are the same, so you've guessed it, the questions and tools won't be the same either.

MYTH - 'Opening up to others is not something I do'


Well that's your prerogative. I'm not going to force you, nor would I want to.

I wonder keeping things to yourself, how is it holding you and others back, both personally and professionally?

How would it be if you knew there was someone you could trust, offers no judgement, provides a confidential space for conversation and is focused on supporting you in a way that helps you to feel empowered, challenged (within agreed boundaries) and motivated to achieve your goals.

There is a code of ethics that Coaches should follow and this is part of that code and indeed my code..

MYTH - 'Coaching is only for leaders & senior executives'


Coaching is for everybody. All you need to consider is if now is the right time for coaching, just like you would most things.

Here are just a few examples of simple statements you could be saying to yourself now.

They could suggest you are ready for coaching.

  • 'I am at a crossroads, not sure what to do next'

  • 'I want to move to the next stage of...'

  • 'I'm ready to invest some time in me'

  • 'I want to start a new...'

  • 'I need a safe space where I can be challenged and held accountable'

  • 'I'm looking to improve my relationship with...'

  • 'I want to try something different'

The Download

Is your time now?

If so, get in touch here. It cost's you nothing to have a chat, but it might cost you more if you leave it and end up not getting the most out of your life.

Be assured that we would only move forward with a coaching relationship if agreed we can work together, you are ready and in the right place to move forward.

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